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todays update: 22/7/02:
this new page... there's 2 things here
Here's something that bluey wants on this page... and yes it's funny~!
title: dbz and salior moon - sailor moon running after picclol
But come on? would picclol run from sailor moon? yes she does have a... errrr stick thingy but thats not the point the point is i can't see picclol running from sailor moon
To day toni sent me an email in it was a thing that you fill out and stuff... sounded like fun so here it is... feel free to laugh at me...
Okay, copy (not forward) this email into a new email, change the answers so they apply to you, and then fill it out and send it back to me. (NOTE: Do not do this if you do stevo will get angry or roll in to a ball... most likey the ball... and start weeping for baby seals...)
*******General Details*******
1.Starting Time: 3:12pm
2.Your Full Name: Steven William Donald McKay
4.Best Friend: dave s, andrew and dave m
5.Longest: Matty 10 years i think... gotta check to see if thats right...
6.Funniest Friend: dave s and andrew in there own ways
7.Closest Friend: dave s and andrew
8.Dumbest Friend: Hmmmmm... do i dear say it?
9.Athletic Friend: atheletic friends? thats that?
10.Loudest Friend: Kate
11.Shyest Friend: Errrrrr... maybe andrew? gotta check that one as well
12.Who do you get advice from: dave s, andrew, mum
*******On Yourself******
13.Height: 166cm... i think...
14.D.O.B: 30/04/84
15.Star Sign: that bull thingy
16.Righty / Lefty: Righty
17.Eye Color: Blue... some time ermaled... some time both...
18.Normal shoe size: 11
19.Shoe Brand: Eeh...
20.Have u Cracked any Body Parts: Naaa i'm not that stupid...
21.Siblings: Mmmmmm only child
22.Email address: rusty73@bigpond.com... you fscking spam me and i'll find you and kill you~!
23.Screen Name: AIM: sinper nerr MSN: Master of the wai~! or friend cat
24.BoyFriend/GirlFriend: None... people are real bastrads...
25.Do you like anyone?: hahahahahaha death to all...
26.Who?: Hmmmm... ponder this i must...
27.How long have you liked them?: Still gotta ponder...
******Have u Ever******
28.Got In a Fight: word fight yes, other fighing no...
29.Liked a Teacher: Yeah i had some kick ass teachers who were really nice
30.Killed some one: what in real life? then no... in my mind tons of people...
31.Laughed So Hard You Peed Your Pants: close... but never got there
32.Ever ate a tub of ice cream in one day?: all the time mate~!
33.Ran Into a Glass Door: ...yes... damn i suck...
34.Kicked The Wall and broke Every Toe in that Foot: LOL weak if that happened to a person... unlese it was made of steel...
35.Been in Love: Naaaaa
36.Gone skinny dipping: LOL LOL LOL never have, never will
37.Had Sex: nope
38.Asked out someone: still no
39.Gotten hit by a car: allmost...
40.Ran into a parked car: yes... damn i'm porbbie one of a few who did this
****Ladies Fill Out on dudes******
(or if you're bi you can fill this out too)
41.Boxers or Briefs:
42.Long Hair or Short:
43.Dark or Light Eyes:
44.pak or Muscular:
45.Body or Personality:
46.Sportsy or Outdoorsy:
47.Good Guy/ Bad Guy:
48.Light Hair/ Dark Hair:
49. Hat/No Hat:
******Guys Fill Out on girls******
50.Panties/Thong: Mmmmmmmmm... errrr... both... Mmmmmmmm...
51.Tall or Short: around my hight would be good
52.Long Hair or Short: Long hair
53.Dark or Light eyes: Hmmmmmmm most likey dark
54.light/dark hair: Dark hair
55.Body or Personality: Most people think that i'm going to say body but i say Personality is the key body to me dosn't count
56.Ear Pierced or Not: No pierceing... if it can be helped
57.Curly or Straight: Straight
58.Good Girl/Bad Girl: Good, bad girls be nasty~!
59.Hair Up or hair down: Hmmmmmm... Down methinks
60.Sporty or Classy: piffit... just a normal person would do
61.Chicken or Not: ...? stevo not in to that weird ass stuff...
******Which One is Better*****
62.Coke or Pepsi: ... fsck that shit~! Mount Dew or fanter for stevo
63.Taco Bell or McDonald: Mwa hahahahaha i ran over the taco bell dog... but there's a taco bell in austraia?
64.Cats or Dogs: Hmmmmmm most likey cats
65.Coffee or Tea: naaaaa
66.Sour or Sweet: Hmmmmm sweet or spicy
67.Chocolate Milk or Hot Chocolate: 0_o... errrrr i gave that stuff up years ago
68.Vanilla or Chocolate: Chocolate... had a bad exp with vanilla...
69.Cake or Cookies: COOKIES~! stevo be likin' cookies
70.Ice Hockey or Roller Hockey: Hahhahahaha i hate all forms of sports
71.day or Night: Day stevo no like the dark...
72.Lights on or Off: off...
73.Ocean or Pool: Ocean
74.Summer or spring: winter... hate summer... too hot...
75.Winter or Fall: Fall. winter damn it~!
******Your favorite******
76.Food: Hmmmmmm... raw noodies are nice
77.Car: 4 wheels and a shell that movies
78.Store: ... i hate townsville... no good anime shops...
79.Candy : M&Ms
80.Restaurant: ... res...tau...rant? what the hell is that? (none there evil places)
82.Thing to Do: sit around chatting to andrew on AIM, RP with lok and daghon, make comics, read and most of all sleeping
83.Number: 42
84.Drink: i don't drink... most of the shit out there is nasty~!
85.Animal: what i got or that i want? own: 1 dog and 1 cat want: a racoon and a ploabear
86.Holiday: does out side of my house count? no? then no holidays
88.Band/singer: god... let me get the list... *Stevo takes a DEEP breath* AAF, Creed, Gorillaz, ICP, Killing heidi, Led zeppelin, Mathchbox 20. Nickelback,Tool, Shania twain (Shut up to all those who are laughing at me), Weird Al
90.Scent: errr... nothing?
91.Book: The lord of the rings books and harry potter (again if your laguhing at me shut up)
94.Place: Hmmmmm any where with anime shops
***In The Future******
95.Who's going to be by Your Side: ... Hmmmmmm well all my peons of evil... or do you mean like a gf or wife type thing? if thats the one then... piffit god only knows
96.Where are you Gonna Live: i can see my self in a shanty town type thing... or a shack on the beach would be nice
97. How many kids? Hmmmmm... 1 or 2 would be nice
101.What are u going to be doing: killing... ohhh in real life? maybe a counsellor?
******Random Questions******
103.What's your wife/husband gonna look like? someone that i like
104.What are u Wearing right now: an old faded red t shirt and gray tracksuit pants
105.What Does Your Screen Name stand for? AIM sniper nerr means damn sinpers and MSN Master of the wai~! means wai is my magic word therefore i'm it's master... it's stevo logic
106.Favourite movie: Hmmmmm... too many... off the top of my head: evil woman
107.Where were you born?: Cairns
108.Favorite friends of the opposite gender: Hahahahaha girls seem to avoid me... errrr kate as thats the only one who will talk to me...
109.Favorite friends of your gender: Dave s, andrew h, dave m, james g, matty d and afew others... i think...
111.Favorite Place to be kissed: never been kissed... damn people...
112.Favorite day of the week: any day...
113.Who was the last person you received mail from besides this email?: Dave m
112.Hottest star ever: ...errrr... i don't look for names...
115.Bedtime: i try for 8:30pm... Mmmmmm lots of sleep
116.Hottest person You know: Hmmmmmm ponder this i must
117.Who is least likely to send this back filled out?: Dave s
118.Ending Time: 4:21pm... stevo be slack
And there you have it~! thats all for now come back latter